Friday, October 22, 2010

11 Mile Haul

Day one of Week Three started off with a bang for sure. We were upping the mileage of the big run again by two miles. Something must be a little wrong with me because I woke up at 5AM completely excited for the run. It also happened to be my birthday and I thought that it was a wonderful way to begin a new year.
11 miles wasn't going to be over too quickly so oatmeal was my fuel of choice as I find it carries you a long way once you give yourself time to digest.

This is oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.

The drink is vanilla almond milk with protein powder (too sweet for me! I couldn't get the plain almond milk)

I mentioned before that I was worried about losing my nail so I followed a friend's suggestion of wearing two pairs of socks and I decided to add a little extra padding by putting a thin bit of cotton over the toe between the two socks. I jumped about a bit to see if my toes had enough wiggle room with all the extra layers and it seemed fine so I packed up the rest of my gear and I was off!

My running partner was able to get us some gels for this run and we were really going to need it. We had a small selection but we both ended up going with the gels by Power Bar. The one I got was strawberries and cream flavoured! I tucked it into my shorts (saying a small prayer that the pouch would not explode while I was running) and we hit the road by 6:30 AM.

This was taken after the run. Mustn't litter you know...

So, I didn't feel as energetic for this one as I did on the nine mile run. We started out at a super easy pace for the first mile and then as per usual, we split up into our respective paces. I decided to run at a slightly faster pace than last time because I really kept it light for most of the nine mile run. I didn't feel like I was pushing hard but I knew I was going faster than before. Last time I was focusing only on finishing and this time, though finishing is the main focus, I wanted to at least attempt to finish at a good time. I was fully prepared to slow down if I felt it was too much though.
By about 2.5 miles I was a little bummed by my low energy from the beginning. I was nervous that I wasn't going to make the full eleven. Also my heart rate monitor strapped on to my torso was chafing me a bit and I had to keep tucking my sports bra over and under it to stop it from rubbing on my skin. No matter how much I adjusted it it kept rubbing irritatingly. My pace, though faster, was still easy so I kept going and decided to think about something else. We started much earlier today so we had a lovely morning light around us and the air was much cooler. Even though I have plodded through the area before it seemed more enjoyable in the morning. Before I knew it I had reached the 4.5 mile mark by the church and my endurance had kicked in. My doubts about not finishing started to fizzle away. Once you reach a turn around point where you begin to run back to where you started from, you gain a new sense of confidence. 'I've made it this far. This isn't so bad at all! I'm really doing this!'
I don't mind starting off doubting myself because it keeps me from trying to play superwoman and push myself to stupid limits. I think my brain has outsmarted my ego that way. :P
(the 4.5 point was the half way point of the 9 mile run which is why we turned back there. We were doing the same route except this time once we reached back by home base we were running past it in a different direction and back again to add the extra two miles)
So I'm on my way back, reaching about six miles and I look down at my display unit for my HRM on my wrist and happen to notice my shirt. I was running with Gatorade in my hand and at first I wondered if I had spilled Gatorade on myself. When I realized what it was I was in shock. Blood! My monitored rubbed my skin clean off until I bled through my shirt! I slipped the monitor down around my stomach and it still continued to detect my heart rate so that was fortunate but I couldn't believe how much blood was on my shirt. I was contemplating taking off my shirt and running in my sports bra but I decided that one would be less likely to abduct a bleeding runner than one running around with no shirt on. Once I had moved the monitor I thought that was going to be the end of my troubles. The shock of my discovery kept me plenty distracted for a while and I had covered a good distance when I started to pay attention to where I was again. I chocked down my hot PowerBar gel at this point. It was super warm and sticky though the taste was lovely. It was WAY better than the stupid banana I had the last time. Nearing the end of seven miles I really started to feel my padded toe hurting. I kept going, trying not to bang my toe too hard against the front of my shoe with each stride but then all of a sudden I felt a sickening pop and a strange pain at the base of the nail. I knew my nail had lifted off the nail bed and it was so uncomfortable running. It started to hurt more and more as I kept going and I was feeling very distressed. For the first time I really wanted to give up. I was considering stopping at the nine mile mark but even getting there was looking bleak as my toe started to hurt more and more. I stopped for a moment to shift my shoe around a bit to change the point where my toe was hitting and that helped a good bit actually. I kept going and the more I ran the less I noticed my toe. I used my heel a little more on that foot with each stride and it helped alleviate the banging. I was nearing the nine mile mark when the gel kicked in. I was tired, but I had reached nine miles faster than I did last time and the last two miles didn't seem so impossible. I felt optimistic up until the tenth mile. This part of the trail made us run past a beach and it was difficult to not just abandon mission and race into the sea. With 1.5 miles left to go my energy petered again and I slowed my pace. It became a mind over matter mission. You reach a point when running long distance where your body hits a wall and you...just...ache. This is where the discipline comes in. You're doing this and you have to finish it. And I did. I even quickened my pace in the last 400m and did a dash to home base. I sat down feeling as though I must be slightly insane to be doing a half marathon and I was disheartened to find upon taking off my shoe that my nail was still connected at the front but raised off the bed in the back...hanging on for dear life from the wrong end. I wish it just came off entirely because this was much more uncomfortable. I must admit though that I am HOPPING VEX that I am losing my nail because I really hate the sight of missing nails. *sigh*
This was definitely my most difficult challenge yet. I sat down poking my raised nail bed to stop it from stretching the cuticle (paaain), shirt still bloody though slightly washed out from the sweat and feeling like an utter wreck for the first 20 minutes. Once I had my protein shake I started to get my second wind and I was thankful that my toenail hanged in for my birthday night at least. :P It was incredibly hard though....and I'm still pissed about losing my nail. Yes, I'm vain like that. Haha

You can see where I slid my monitor down to. I had sweat a good deal at this point so the stain wasn't as bright as when I first saw it. But jeeze man!

To add to my fatigue, I had to go home and cook. I couldn't get my sushi stand-by as I was going to have sushi for dinner and I didn't want to spoil the treat. I went home and hastily slapped together lunch.

Morningstar vegan burger with soy cheese and veg wrapped in lettuce.
A baked potato.
Mixed melon salad.

I picked at a few things in the fridge after as I was still hungry.

After that I carried out my birthday ritual of watching The Little Mermaid although this was the first time that I did it with my foot in a bucket of ice. I actually passed out about 5 minutes into it. I swear, it's only after a long run you can fall asleep with your foot in a bucket of ice...
I woke up with my foot totally numb, just in time to catch the last ten minutes of the movie and ball like the goof I am. Disney movies make me cry to begin with. Add the enhanced emotions from my state of fatigue and I was doomed from the time I pressed 'play'.

Once I ate more I caught myself and went on with my day. It really was a lovely birthday and I went to bed feeling accomplished, (but still miffed about my toe :P) face hurting from laughing and feeling stuffed full of sushi. Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your Blog. Sorry to hear about your foot and your HRM trying to eat you but well done for getting through it all.
