Friday, October 29, 2010

Week Four: Days Two and Three

Day Two: I woke up at a reasonable hour feeling pretty good. Unfortunately sometime after breakfast that good old runner's hangover got the better of me again and I was feeling dried up and worn out so I crawled back in bed for some extra Zzz.
I don't know how I can avoid this! I thought that I did so well with hydrating. Now true, I didn't nap as much the day of the run and I had a late night at work. I'm wondering if that factored into it.
Anyways it wasn't as bad as the ones before at least. Once I got out of bed I decided to do some core training as I haven't done that in a while and then I would get ready to teach my yoga class.
I only did about 45 minutes of abs but that was enough to have me feeling it today! I got a stability ball for my birthday so I am loving the increased challenge to my strength workouts.

Today was meant to be our day for cycling. Cycling days are great because we don't have to start as early. You create your own breeze when riding so you can handle the heat way better than when you are running. I really didn't sleep much again so I figured breakfast would need just a little boost.

Yogurt mixed with whey protein and banana.
Rye bread with natural peanut butter.

Just after I ate I got a message saying that we had to cancel. I was a little relieved because this meant that I could sleep some more before I trained so I went back to bed for an hour or so.
By the time I was up and about again it was too late to go running. It would have been unbearably hot out in the open. If it was earlier I would have run but since that wasn't an option I went with some total body strength training with the focus being a little heavier on the legs.

Since I'm always talking about my strength training and never giving that much detail, Ill share with you what I did today.

I started out with a short stretch and when I felt like my body had loosened up I jumped straight on the stationary bike and did 10 minutes of a moderate intensity cycle with about a minute cooldown.
Then straight into my total body workout. I am not of the belief that you need to be a gym regular to be fit. I do all of my strength workouts at home incorporating both body-weight and free weight exercises into my workouts. I'm not trying to get bulky. I just want lean, strong muscles and I know that everything I need for that is right in my bedroom.

My total body workout was a 500 rep routine that I try to complete with as little rest as possible but still keeping good form. I got this workout from and I tweaked it some...

50 backward lunges with a kick. (Lunge backwards with the right leg then power up to standing and kick the right leg up out in front of you as high as you can. Do 25 reps then switch legs)
50 'walking' push ups. (Push up then get back into plank and walk with your feet and your hands one step over to the side. Perform another push up and then walk back over to the side where you started from. Each push up counts as one rep. Alternate between moving left and right)
50 mountain climbers

I wore ankle weights for all of the exercises from this point.

50 Sumo Squats with Knee Lifts (A sumo squat is like a regular squat with a wider stance and sliightly turned out feet. You're still squatting down as low as your flexibility allows. So, sumo squat and then shift your weight to one side raising your knee up. Return to the sumo squat again and do the same on the other side. Each knee up counts as one rep)

50 One Legged Bridge Lifts. (Lay on your back, knees bent. Extend your right leg up in the air and then lift your hips to a bridge position. Your left shin will be parallel to the ground and make sure not to let the bent knee flay out to the side. Complete 25 reps and the switch legs.)

50 Squats with side Leg Extensions. (These are similar to the Sumo Squats with Knee Lifts. Squat down and shift your weight to one side, extending the other leg out to the side. When you lower your extended leg, shift your weight onto that side while squatting and extend the opposite leg. Each leg extension counts as a rep. Remember to stay low)

50 One Arm Side Push Ups. (These are weird and awkward the first time that you do them. Lay on your right side with knees slightly bent. Place your leg hand on the floor next to your right shoulder. Wrap your right arm up and across your chest to hold on to your left shoulder. Now push up with your left arm, raising your upper body off the floor and straighten the left arm. Complete 25 reps then switch sides)

Here is a random woman doing said exercise.
I believe this is her 'I'm not in pain I swear' expression.

50 Star Crunches (Lay on your back and raise your legs straight up in the air. Crunch and reach your arms in between your legs and you let your legs drop open to the sides. Bring your legs back together and rest your upper body back on the floor to complete a rep)

50 Diagonal Squat Touchdown with Jump (Squat, turn your torso to your right side and touch your hands to the floor. Rise up and twist your body in the opposite direction as you reach with both of your arms up towards the ceiling and then jump! Do 25 reps and then switch sides)

50 Side Plant lifts. (From a push up position, shift all your weight on to one arm and rotate your entire body to the side. You'll be balancing on one arm and the sides of your feet and your body will be parallel to the wall. Lift your hips up so that you create a straight line with your legs and upper body. Lower your hips down again – this counts as one rep. Do 25 reps on each side.)

There you go!
Once I finished that I had limited time before work so I just did a small set of exercises for my weight training.

Both circuits 3 times:

20 Side Step squats with resistance band (securely tie a resistance band around your ankles and then step your leg out to the side as far as you can and squat down. Repeat 10 times to the left then 10 times to the right)
8 Slow Squats then 8 smaller Pulsing Squats (28 lbs in weights)
8 Plie Squats then 8 smaller Pulsing Plie Squats (28 lbs in weights)
10 One Legged squats (4 lbs on shoulders)

10 deadlifts
10 Sumo deadlifts (Deadlift in sumo stance with slightly bent knees)
Both deadlifts done with 12 lbs dumbbells.

And that was that. I showered and had lunch and then skipped off to work!
Tomorrow I will either bike ride, run or do upper body weight training. This week got kind of messed up schedule wise but I still got in the three required runs so that's all I'm concerned about. Sunday I am running a hike trail!

More to come!

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