Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Days Six and Seven: Week One OVER!

Today ends my first week of half marathon training! Only nine more increasingly challenging, lung busting weeks to go and about a gazillion more miles to put in...piece of cake! :P
For now, lets just get through one session at a time. Haha.

Yesterday was another Rest or Cross Train day. I've been doing really well with muscle soreness as I haven't really been getting any at all from the running. I chose to make yesterday another cross train day so decided to go with some time on the stationary bike and then some cross fit. I did a 10 minute warm up on the bike, 30 minutes of cross-fit body weight exercises and then some work with weights on my lower body with a handful of strength building exercises. I try to change up my weight training routines every week even if it's only using slight modifications to last week's routine. Its good to keep the muscles guessing but also you stay motivated when you have something new to try instead of re-hashing the same old crap every week. A squat is a squat yes, but try it on one leg, add some more reps or weight, use a resistance band...there are so many options! Be creative and have fun with your workouts. When you make it a chore, chances are you won't be making the effort to do it properly and you won't be getting the results you want. But also, be kind to your body. If you break it you're still stuck with it you know. :P Work with your limits, fuel your body properly and another very important thing is to LISTEN to your body...sometimes you need a recovery day even when it's not scheduled. Sometimes the best workout is the one that you didn't do. Especially for those of you trying to build muscle. You don't get muscle mass when you are in the gym. All of the strength exercises actually break down your muscles. It's when you rest them, they grow. Think of your workouts as the blueprint for the body you want.
Anyways, the reason I am running through all of this is as a sort of introduction to a recipe I tried yesterday. Another important part of fueling your muscles is your 'recovery food'. If you notice in past posts I mentioned my recovery protein shakes that I have as soon as possible after my runs. I also do this for my strength training. Studies show that ingesting protein within the first 30 minutes after your workout leads to 20% better muscle recovery so I do my best to make sure I get some form of protein as quickly as I can. Some people argue that you need to have this protein within the first 15 minutes! That's pretty hard to do when you're huffing and puffing but the point is, as soon as you can, eat something and try not to wait more than an hour.

Okay the point already: I usually have a protein shake after workouts but yesterday I came across a recipe online for 'Protein Balls'. I figured I'd try it and use it as a recovery snack for a change.
The recipe called for 2 tbsp natural peanut butter (I used soy butter as its what I had in the house), 2 tbsp agave nectar (you can use honey but honestly I didn't even use a full tbsp of nectar as I do not have a sweet tooth. I'd suggest adding it to taste) 1/2 cup vanilla flavoured protein powder. Mix those until it's crumbly. Add 2 tbsp of unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 tbsp of chopped almonds (I used cashews) and 1 tbsp raisins (I thought I had in the house but I ate them all :P).
So you mix that all together into a paste. This recipe makes 3 balls so you divide the paste into 3 equal parts and roll them into balls. They should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.

Then you just pop them in the fridge to set and ta-da! You can even make these a meal. The portion sizes are one ball for women, two for men (No I'm not being cheeky) and then have it with some chopped fruit and veg and you have a great portable mini-meal!

I think that if I make these again I will try it with plain unsweetened whey powder. I would rather the taste of the nut butter being the main flavour instead of the rather sweet protein powder. These will be very sweet if you're not careful so don't use sugary nut butters and overdo on the agave.
Also, note to self, stop snacking on the raisins at 3 in the morning.

Today now, is day seven. Its scheduled to be an 'Easy 30-45 minute run' but I'm just going to do yoga today. Tomorrow I will be running 9 miles and I'm happy to give my muscles a break. I'll have a good stretch for an hour, try to have an early night and tomorrow, granted that I'm not flat on my face, I'll let you know how it went! Wish me luck! I don't think that I have ever run nine miles in my life! Unless running your mouth counts...then I'm certain I've come pretty close.

Oh and something else that I have discovered in this first week of training is a type of runner's chafe that runnersworld.com neglected to mention. I have a pretty good impression of the outline of my sports bra rubbed into my chest. I guess the stitching in the seam rubbed off some skin when I started to sweat during my run on Sunday. When I went home to shower I discovered the perfect outline of my bra that I am still 'sporting' today. It doesn't hurt thankfully and it's healed up well so it's not that noticeable anymore thank GOD! Haha! Luckily I had no beach days planned. :P

And that's all folks! Tomorrow: Week TWO begins!!!!

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