The Vision Behind the Blog

 The Flea: Annalisa D'Ornellas

I think I'm not the only person who has been overwhelmed by the media and the countless diet and exercise programs out there and trying to find one that was right for me. I spent a lot of time letting myself fall victim to fad diets, unhealthy ideas about nutrition and exercise and it eventually consumed my life. In time, my eyes opened to my own diminished state and how I got there.

I realized that what I wanted for myself could never come from the trumpeted crash diets of the world. It couldn't come from the good food/bad food mentality and cycle of reward and punishment that we fall into. The extreme diets of deprivation and borderline starvation do what they say...they will make you skinny. I realized though that what I wanted...and what a lot of us want and don't not a skinny body but a healthy, fit body.

So how do we get these fit and healthy bodies that we desire? I believe that the first step is understanding that there is no miracle diet plan, no one ultimate body sculpting routine and no short cuts to our goals. The journey begins with the mind...when you realize the beauty and complexity of the body that you own and begin to make choices that will nurture it. We must learn to feed the mind and soul as well as the body what it needs along with developing a healthy outlook on food and approaching exercise.
I'm here to tell you that adapting a healthy lifestyle is easy! All it takes is small steps every day, every week. Each healthy decision that you make for yourself may seem like a small accomplishment but it is a giant step in the right direction! Our goal is not knuckling down into a restrictive diet plan for a period of time but to slowly develop natural tendencies towards healthy food, an active lifestyle and practicing self love. Once you cultivate within yourself a true sense of self respect, these decisions and habits will become second nature. Say goodbye to meal plans! It's only when we can naturally function within a healthy lifestyle that we can maintain a healthy weight permanently. We all want to be a better version of ourselves and we can achieve it!

Just remember: We must always find a balance between wanting more for yourself and accepting yourself as you currently are!

So this is my hope for us all and the purpose of my blog. To teach moderation over restriction. To give you guidelines on how to identify healthy choices over unhealthy choices and show you how easy it is to adapt a healthy lifestyle for life. I'm giving you a look into my I went from being one of the unhealthiest and weakest people I know to being strong, fit and energetic whilst eating good, clean, healthy food day in and out. I did it making small, positive changes bit by bit until I found myself where I wanted to be. If I can do can. You know why? Because it's EASY! :D

I know everyone can be As Fit As a Flea!