Day Five was my total rest day. I noticed that in the evening on Saturday my knee really started to act up. I was resting and when I got up I was horrified to see the severity of my limp. My leg didn't hurt terribly but I found a strange discomfort in the back of my left knee when walking. I figured it was just playing up after a long day. I was glad that the following day (Sunday, Day Five) was a rest day. I woke up on Sunday with a stiff leg but nothing terrible...but as I started to move around the discomfort got worse and worse to the point that I was so uncomfortable walking in my sandals. I realized at this point that I needed a knee brace. Unfortunately this meant walking about it the huge grocery store here. I was also aggravated because I had choreography practice for our big concert in the evening and I would have to be on my feet. The pain isn't in the knee itself but in the muscle traveling along the outer thing to the knee. The back of the knee feels like its going to snap when I put too much pressure on the leg. I took some Tylenol and managed to hobble through the dance routines. The Tylenol really helped but I was still very discouraged by how slowly I had to move about. This just came out of nowhere and all of a sudden I'm reduced to granny speed! Uuuugh.
Day Six:
Today the pain isn't as bad. The brace has been helping a lot.
I'm using the knee stabilizer by Ace.

It fits really well and the support feels great. I was worried that my little legs may not fill it out but I was happily surprised.
So...I was supposed to run today but that's out. Am I happy about this? No. Now isn't the time to be slowing down. I'm trying not to think about it whatsoever. I hope that I will be okay by Friday which is when I plan to do my big run. I don't want to slow my training now...I'm so close! I'm giving the knee the rest from running but I am still going to try and be active in other ways. The knee feels better today so hopefully tomorrow I can do some cross training.
The main focus for me right now is to refuse to feel sorry for myself and just work with my body. I'm feeling insanely restless but I know that the days off are necessary. I'm partially tempted to run through the ache but I have to remind myself how disastrous that could be. It just feels terribly wrong going from so much activity to being the slowest person to exit the studio. Pooh.
Anyways the injury really isn't that bad and I'm sure that all I need is a little rest.
I will keep you updated.
Im so sorry about your darn knee.
ReplyDeleteThis must suck big time.
I hope it gets better real soon!