Yesterday morning I slowly got out of bed and tested my leg. I was able to walk fine with just a slight tweak in the outer thigh if I put weight on the leg at a strange angle so there was definite improvement. I still wasn't ready to run but I could definitely cross train. I was going to go to the gym again today for that crazy training session that I did last week. I loved it so much so I knew it was just the thing to lift my spirits. I also reminded myself that if I was doing my marathon training routine today would have been a cross train day anyways.
I started the day with plain yogurt with whey protein mixed in and my usual chopped apple.
I had to go back into town for more errands. This would be the true test as to whether I should train that day because if I could walk about for extended periods with no problem then I'd give myself the green light for the tough cross-fit session that I was in for.
And as I was out and this is only a $15 meal, I went to the vegetarian restaurant that I love so much...again...

Stewed lentils with okra and pumpkin and a carrot beet salad.
I cleaned the plate this time around.
Just a note here. I like this meal because it's got a variety of colour which means that you're getting a variety of different nutrients/phytochemicals as well. I remember reading an article that listed a set of colours and stated that you should eat that colour fruit or vegetable at least once a day. The USDA recommends giving particular attention to orange (2 cups per week) and dark green (3 cups per week) produce, both packed with vitamin A and other important nutrients. The other colours are red, yellow, light green, blue and purple/deep red. Most days I get all except blueberries cost as much as a quarter tank of gas here.
So I got to the gym about 20 minutes early so that I could give my body a thorough stretch. I focused into the IT band (which is the muscle down the side of my leg that's acting up) and once I was finished my leg felt perfect! Everyone else except the instructor was late so I hopped on the stationary bike and did about 18 minutes of a program called 'pikes peak' or something.
It's a good thing I stretched. Good grief. Today was a million times harder than last week! We started off doing laps of frog squats all around the gym and then straight into jump rope and then the intensity never dropped until about 20 minutes in. It was insane. Burpies, jump squats, exploding star jumps, high knees, mountain climbers, lunges, holding squats while lifting weighted bars out in front of us then above our heads then back again....all of that with NO rest. My heart was pounding so hard! Then finally we got to drop down on the mat and do things like bridge lifts, back exercises, different leg exercises...and then we had to do push up drills which I actually did very well in! I finished second and I was the only girl! *smug grin*
It was absolutely intense though and I had to push myself to keep going...which is just what I wanted after missing my run! Hahaha! I can't wait to go back again next week! I taught yoga in the evening so I got to really stretch out my limbs after the workout and I was hoping with allof me that I could run the next day.

Waiting for the boys to show up...can you spot me?
I'm wearing blue!
Week SEVEN Day One
Today makes a week since my last big run. I really hoped that I would be able to run today but after some thought I had to admit that it was probably a better idea to not run just yet. I had set my alarm early just in case...and I slumped back in bed a little defeated when I made my decision. At least I got to get some extra rest. I was lazing about a bit all morning but once I managed to reassemble my stink-o attitude I chose my cross training of choice.
Yesterday was an intense full body workout so I opted for a weight free day and stuck to the stationary bike. All that I was going to do was an hour of moderate to vigorous intervals with a ten minute light effort warm up.
Breakfast was yogurt and apple...again... <3

I've never done a full hour of intervals so this was a new challenge that I gave myself...and I definitely was feeling it about 35 minutes in. I got a good burn in my thighs (not to mention butt) and it was a simple yet fun way to challenge myself. I pedaled away to Avatar so my cool down intervals felt like a trail ride through the rain forest! I'm still a little down about not running but its forcing me to be creative with the workouts that I do. Tomorrow I am in for a burn as I am doing weight training with a bodybuilder friend of mine. I will update you on the fun tomorrow!
For now I have to get back to work!! Hahah! leg feels even better tonight!
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